
School ready in 2021 But first…

Everyone is busy getting their kids ready for school. The whole town’s talking about it! I am no different either!









So while its getting you anxious, emotional, frustrated or just about normal remember to remind the kids –

  1. This is a fun transition 
  2. You will be meeting your friends or future friends
  3. Find your rhythm because that will keep you flowing
  4. Start slow or fast all at your own will 
  5. The ninja in you shouldnt lose that mask or forget a hand wash when needed
  6. Smile to teachers because they love you and your smiles make their day
  7. Eat!! How else do you repeat this..
  8. Wait for the weekend.. 

Now for the parents or caregivers..

  • Me-time finally so plan the unplanned
  • Welcome to more productivity!! Make it count..
  • 1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5, 7 and 8 from above didnt want to copy-paste 
  • You got this!!

Here is a start to our morning today because tomorrow my boy goes to school (in America) for the first time.. For TK(Transitional Kindergarten)! Watch a short video on I shared on instagram here 


If you are willing to have their classes at home, dont be disappointed. Even though its hard it is possible. There are a few ways I have shared on my youtube channel to keep the kids engaged in the most helpful & meaningful way. Might give you a few (new) ideas if you are running out of fuel or your juju!

Happy First of the school, kids!! Wish you all a great start and buddy, we will rock it!!





Read my about me section on BloomwithShivi or LinkedIn profile for shivanisinghdce22

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